About EEN Singapore

About Enterprise Europe Network Singapore

The Enterprise Europe Network Singapore (EEN Singapore) is one of the EEN partners located outside of Europe. EEN Singapore is a Consortium formed by the Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF), Enterprise Singapore (ESG) and Innovation Partner for Impact Singapore (IPI Singapore).

EEN Singapore’s main objective is to promote and assist businesses, and technology and research and development (R&D) partnerships between Singaporean and European companies. 

Through EEN Singapore, Singaporean companies will have exclusive access to the Enterprise Europe Network, which contains over 10,000 business proposals from Europe. The network portal allows members to get connected with both European Union (EU) and non-EU partners and their member-companies.

Singapore Manufacturing Federation

Established since 1932, the SMF is a trade association that represents the interest of the manufacturing community in Singapore, driving its competitiveness and sustainable growth through serving industry-specific needs.

Supported by 10 industry groups and its Associated Services, the SMF enhances the competitiveness of the industry by encouraging capacity development and capability building, innovation and productivity.  The SMF provides opportunities for companies to collaborate, network, and to grow and expand both locally and internationally. Currently, the SMF’s membership stands at about 5,000 corporate members comprising Multinational corporations, Small and medium-sized enterprises, and affiliate members.

As a non-profit organisation, the SMF is governed by a Council whose members hail from some of Singapore’s most established and progressive companies. Through our strong connections with the government, we represents our members objectively and to facilitate communications between the government, foreign delegates and the manufacturing community.

Our Offerings:

  • Business Matching Events
  • Trade Missions
  • Networking Sessions
  • Forums, Conferences, Webinars, Seminars and Workshops
  • Dialogues with Government Agencies
  • Standards Development

Visit http://www.smfederation.org.sg for more information.

Enterprise Singapore

Enterprise Singapore is the government agency championing enterprise development. Our vision for Singapore is a vibrant economy with globally competitive Singapore enterprises.

International Enterprise Singapore and SPRING came together on 1 April 2018 as a single agency to form Enterprise Singapore. Our mission is to grow stronger Singapore companies by building capabilities and accessing global opportunities, thereby creating good jobs for Singaporeans.

We work with committed companies to build capabilities, innovate and internationalise. We also support the growth of Singapore as a hub for global trading and startups. As the national standards and accreditation body, we continue to build trust in Singapore’s products and services through quality and standards.

Visit www.enterprisesg.gov.sg for more information.

IPI Singapore

IPI is an innovation catalyst that creates opportunities for enterprises to grow beyond boundaries.

As a subsidiary of Enterprise Singapore, IPI accelerates the innovation process of enterprises through access to its global innovation ecosystem and advisory services.

Through our multidisciplinary expertise and global network, we provide enterprises with access to innovative ideas and technologies. We facilitate and support enterprises’ innovation processes, including commercialisation and go-to-market strategies.

Our Purpose
Creating Opportunities for Enterprises to Grow through Innovation

Our Promise
Growth Beyond Boundaries

Visit https://www.ipi-singapore.org for more information.